Each wave leaves marks in the sand. Little waves leave little marks......

The waves and the sand interact with every larger object on the beach.
(You'll note that this beach has darker and lighter grains of sand. The black sand is finer, and stays under one's toenails....)

Even little bitty rocks and shells leave their mark, for a little while. These golden pebbles were less than a centimeter long.

People, of course, leave marks on the beach as well as everything else we get near. I'm not showing you any of the trash I picked up. There wasn't much trash, relatively speaking, as there weren't many people on the beach, but of course there was styrofoam, plastic (in many forms, especially plastic bags), wood, candy wrappers...... I carried two bags, one for trash, and a smaller one for the shells and pebbles I decided to keep. I filled my trash bag each couple of hours I spent on the beach.
Would that people left only footprints..................

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