Wednesday, July 06, 2011

June 29


A few of our family's interests.

Magazines, about be abandoned on the library freebie rack.

Another gorgeous perfect day.  The view out my office window.

Waiting for my ride at the end of the day.  I almost always walk, but I had six library books, only a couple of which were actually light enough that I'd want to think about carrying them home.

Working (in this word, the "work" rhymes with "dork") the dorg.  I was taken by the fact that his feets were inside his shadow.

Tight crop of above -- note ear tips flipping up as he trots along.  Awwwww.



Morning Bray Farm said...

Totally awwwwwww. :)

I need orange said...

I thought you would like 'em.
