Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 24


Willard, on the cowshe, his chosen habitat.

On the way to yoga.  Mama Mallard, preening

Love her olive-green bill, and her irridescent blue feathers.  I was within 10' of her when I took these pics.  She was watchful, but not scared.

There were three mamas and three bunches of babies in the pond on the 24th.  One mama had three children, one had six, and I wasn't sure how many this one had, as they were hiding under the bridge/walkway.  The children are almost as big as the mamas, at this point.  It's amazing how fast birds grow!  It's also amazing that this not-so-big pond, in a very busy in-town park, can support so many ducks!

On the way home from yoga -- a perfect sky on a perfect evening.



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