I was enjoying many things about this book, until it ended without resolution. !!! (We're to wait for Book 2 -- and, presumably, Book 3!!! -- to see what happens......).
I hate that. I suppose it's the publisher to blame, rather than the author, and I seriously hate it.
I love a good series that continues with the same characters, and the same over-arching plot, but I want each book to come to a resolution. I hate waiting for the end of the series for a resolution! Especially when the series is in the process of being written and I can't have all three (or however many) books waiting on my shelf to be read!
I find this practice especially annoying when the cover of the book doesn't say "Book 1 of [blah blah] Series" on it anywhere. The least they could do is *warn* me that a conclusion is less probable than I otherwise expect! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This annoys me enough that I have to REALLY like the book, or I will put it down in disgust and mark the author off my list.
I like the characters in Mister Max. (The book is aimed at a young audience, and the protagonist is 12.) The plot is interesting. I like the way the kids mature as they live the story. I like the writing. I like the way the country and currency are unspecified. I like the moral focus of the story (on making the world a better place -- leaving things more ethically balanced as we go along).
I will go find some more books by Cynthia Voigt, and I expect I'll read the rest of this series, if I ever see the rest of it, but I wish there was a way to tell the publisher how annoying I find this "it's acceptable (let alone preferable!!!) to end a book with no resolution" plan! It absolutely does NOT make me more likely to read the next book in the series! There are several authors whose work I will not read because their books do not resolve at the end of a volume...........
Mister Max is recommended, but be warned -- no resolution at the end of the book!
The only bad review I have ever written for a book on Amazon was for this very reason. Not only no resolution, but a cliff-hanger, and no subsequent book from the author after years and years.
I don't write bad reviews here, either.
But this one deserved a good review, except that .... !!!!
No subsequent book -- wondering if that meant the original didn't sell well, or if the author never wrote the rest of the story...............
Max isn't *exactly* a cliff-hanger, but it's not clear if he'll ever see his parents again. Things seem to be turning out well for the main characters in the book, so I expect he will, but it's not clear..... (The 'rents were tricked into disappearing.....)
In the "author's other works" at the beginning of the book were this series and that series, so I think it's likely that this one will get finished, but still.
I'm almost as happy with this sort of thing as I am with the notion that the govt could raid our savings whenever they want. But not quite.
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