Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 12 -- evening


5:06 pm.

A broader look at our hotel room.  I wonder what the purpose is of those things draped over the ends of the beds?  Seems like a waste of time and money to me.  Buy quieter bathroom fans, instead of strictly decorative items that are One More Thing for housekeeping to have to mess with, that's my position on this.....

There is more window behind the curtain on the left.  The curtains wouldn't stay wide open unless you put the chairs there to hold them open.  I need to travel with string, I guess.........  Just in case I need to keep the curtains away from my fabulous view!

6:52 pm.

We've had supper in Cafecito -- very close to the hotel, and "rated best Cuban sandwich in Chicago!".  Very tasty.  I actually ate the Jardin sandwich (which has eggplant, amongst other things) three times while we were in Chicago.  The sauce is really yummy.  Recommended!

The bridge players are now back at it, playing their evening session.  So far the bridge has gone better than expectations.  They are one of the last 16 teams standing, out of the 60-plus who began play on the 10th.

I'm sitting in the room, with my feet up, savoring Gaudy Night (my favorite novel of all the novels) and the view.

Love the way the sunlight finds the fountain and the sailboats.

9:30 pm.  I was trying to meditate, with the noise-control headphones on (to ward off the street noise), when I became aware of boom/bang.

Fireworks!  Surely no one has to meditate through fireworks!

My camera-holding hand wasn't steady, but I kind of like the petal-like look of the result of my jiggle.

I'm only showing you the best results of my efforts.  With a hand-held cheap point-and-shoot -- not bad, eh?

One of those giant pillar things in the park (like we saw the crows playing over, a couple of days ago) was between me and the fireworks.

Cute, though upside-down.  I wonder how they get this all organized so precisely!

Another excellent day in Chicago.


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