Friday, July 01, 2016

June 28


As the pinks and purples fade, and the orange comes into its own, you know full summer is upon us.

Enjoying the old-fashioned orange daylilies everywhere.

Orange butterfly weed.

Looking at the structure of the flowers, I strongly suspect this is related to milkweed.  Why is this a cultivated flower, but milkweed is "just a weed?"  Believe it or not, I actually lowered the saturation in this pic and the previous.  I thought that made it easier to see details...........

It's hard to tell, but we can see old-fashioned daylilies in three different yards from here.

Here's a tighter crop of the upper right of the above.  See the daylilies near the top of the hill, in the upper right?

This is a better demonstration of daylilies on three properties.  The nearest ones are in one yard, the ones behind them (on the other side of the driveway) are in another yard, and then the ones near the top of the hill are in another.

It was at this point I thought it would be interesting to count how many of the houses I see from my usual walking loop have old-fashioned daylilies in their yards.  Unfortunately, the top of this hill is the mid-point of my walk, so I was halfway done before I thought of it.  On my next loop, I plan to count.....


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