Wednesday, July 24, 2013

class update


Working along on my classes, as Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets overlaps Maps and the Geospatial Revolution.

Monday (22nd) I took a quiz for each class.  I believe that's the first time I've taken two quizzes in one day, in two different subjects, since 1974!

I just turned in my last assignment for Archaeology.  We have to do 6 of 8 assignments to have "completed" the class.  I have found interesting options in 6 of 8 weeks, so that was perfect for me.  One choice for week 7 is visiting an archaeological site or monument or museum.  The University has a museum handy for me to visit, so I did that yesterday, and wrote it up today.

For every assignment we turn in, we have to review the assignments of five of our classmates, so I still have that to do, and then I'll have finished the class.

It was a great class.  Extremely well thought out, and extremely well executed.  I urge anyone with any interest in archaeology to take it the next time it is offered! 

Remember that Coursera classes are free, and know that all the profs I've had have specifically encouraged anyone who has any interest in their topics to do as much -- or as little -- of the classwork as they want and/or are able to do.  If you only have time to watch one video a week, they would love to have you do that........... 

(At least) one of my Archaeology classmates is 85 -- she thinks everyone should take advantage of Coursera.  :-)

Professor Sue Alcock does an absolutely fabulous job with Dirty Little Secrets.  I would totally take classes from her, if I went to Brown!  I'm sorry the class has ended.

As for Maps, I was caught up until this morning, when Lesson 2 began.  I have some work to do for my volunteer gig, so I should probably do that before I start on the Maps Lesson 2 material.

I'm sorry Archaeology is over, but I'll be glad to only have one class to keep up with.

I seriously love being able to dabble like this, in such a wide variety of classes!  Use of mathematical models for thinking about problems, thinking/reasoning and analyzing arguments, archaeology, geography/maps..............  What fun!  No worries about requirements or cognates or any of that, just following my fancy.........



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