Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 13, part 2


Walking me -- still lots of jet trails lingering in the sky.

This was taken where the really big tulip-tree leaves were found.  My neighbor who showed me the gargantuan one happened to be walking by.  We agreed that we had no idea which tree made the enormous leaves, and that we'd be looking for it next summer (not enough leaves left, now, for us to ID it).

Note that there is still snow, in shady areas.

Closeup of the tulip-tree leaf on the sidewalk crack.  Straight out of camera.

I lowered the "highlights" (made the highlights darker), and raised the contrast.  I like this better.

Another closeup -- burning-bush leaf, amongst mostly maples, on the snow.  I don't know whose tiny flower that is, at left.

I ran into my nature-noticing neighbor (the one I was talking to about tulip trees, 10 minutes ago) on the other side of our loop (I was walking one way around the blocks, and he was walking the other way).  He told me about this hornets' nest.......  It's good to have people watching out for interesting stuff, and telling you to look for it!

I love the way the paper these nests are made from is so varied......  Grays, browns......

Sometimes the camera and I have a disagreement about what is interesting.

It really likes to focus on nice sharp lines.  Stems, rather than flowers...........

Usually, eventually, I can inveigle it into helping me get the image I want, if I try a whole bunch of times.

It really wants to get those stems..........

Close crop of upper left of the image above -- you can see every thorn.......

But THIS is what I wanted to look at.  Love the color, love the contrast between the color and the gray remainders of the flower.

I was wanting to see every dried-up stamen, rather than every thorn.

The gingko leaves came down, the week of the 13th.

I'm not sure what the purple is.  I didn't do anything to this image but crop.  I didn't do anything that would have affected the color.

The gingko fruits are down, too.  (Most of them, at any rate).

Aren't they interesting colors?  Baby pink, over orange?



thecrazysheeplady said...

I love your photography and how you see things. Hornet nests are so intriguing. Great find!

I need orange said...

Blush. Thanks! Right back at you.... :-)

I was so glad my neighbor/acquaintance told me about the hornets' nest -- I walk right by there nearly every day, but hadn't noticed the nest......... One time I saw something online where someone had given colored paper to the hornets, and the resulting nest was all different bright colors. :-) I wonder if they soaked the paper, so it was easier to gather....... I made up my mind that if I ever saw a paper nest under construction in our yard, I was totally giving them colored paper.......... :-)