Tuesday, November 19, 2013

the end of Plants and Dinos


I took the final for What a Plant Knows on Monday.  This is the first time I haven't gotten feedback on a Coursera test or quiz immediately after I took it.  We won't get feedback on this exam until a week from today.  I was sure I knew some of the answers right off, but others............  I don't know.

Today I listened to the last lectures in Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology.  Fittingly, we heard about the end of the dinos.  I hadn't understood the extent of the catastrophe(s) caused by the Earth being hit by that meteor, about 65,000,000 years ago..........  I also hadn't realized that the meteor was the size of Mt. Everest. !!!!!  No wonder it caused a whole set of horrendous catastrophes!  I still have to take one last quiz, and then Dino class will be over.

I am sad that these two classes are over.  I learned so many things that I'd never imagined..............

I'm signed up for Roman Architecture in January.  A lot of people seem to stick with one subject area.  Lots of people from Archaeology were in Dino class, and they mentioned taking other history classes (Human Evolution, say).

I am not aware of others bouncing around as I have -- Model Thinking, Think Again, Archaeology, Maps and the Geospatial Revolution, a History of Rock Music, Dinos, Plants.............  (Along with a few other classes that I've looked at but have not done the work for!)  I really enjoy being able to have a bit of this, a bit of that, and a bit of something else............. 

I'm finding that it's the science classes that have really engrossed me.  I wonder if that is a coincidence.  Or not.................


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