Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 19



Closer crop of the above.

Hill Auditorium.  It's interesting how different a naked stage can look, depending on the lighting.  I was especially caught by the way the lights show up on the organ pipes.

The ceiling.........

We went to hear Jake Shimabukuro, who is the rock star of ukulele players.  Jake is to ukulele as Yo-Yo Ma is to cello.  He's a genius, and he puts on an excellent show (some of it very rock-star-y, and some of it very quiet and contemplative).  Go see him, if you get a chance.  He's wonderful.  He can make a ukulele sound like a banjo, like a Japanese koto, like a rock guitar......  Amazingly fluent, technically, and overflowing with emotion.  And fun.  Do go, if you have a chance.

(Don't forget your earplugs.  It never occurred to me that he might be amplified to the point of pain.  I spent a good deal of the concert protecting my hearing with my fingers.  I used to have earplugs in my pocket all the time, just in case a rock concert came along.  I don't know why I stopped having them.  I think I'll start carrying them again!)


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