Thursday, November 27, 2014



So many things for which to be grateful!

Clean air, clean water, sunshine. Rain. Snow.

Family. Friends. Dogs.  Polar bears. Hippos.

Enough to eat.

Modern medicine.

Modern plumbing.


Trees. Autumn leaves. Flowers

Tomatoes. Basil. Garlic. Pasta. Nutella. Oats.  Pumpkin pie for breakfast, especially on Thanksgiving.

Feet that can carry a person without complaining (during, or after).

Eyes that can see well enough.

Hands that comfortably do what we want them to do.

Microbiomes that keep us healthy and functioning.

Brains that consider, and wonder, and synthesize, and decide, and generate ideas.

The ocean, the beach, the sea shells, feathers, sea weed, driftwood, pebbles, beach glass.

Airplanes.  Trains.  Subways.  Buses.

Libraries.  Museums.  Botanical gardens.  Zoos (properly done!)

Cameras. Computers. Software.  The internet.

France. Paris. The Eiffel Tower.  Applesauce with rhubarb.  Baguettes so fresh from the oven they are too hot to handle.  Mirabelle plums.

Washington, DC.  The Smithsonian.  The Metro.

Italy.  Italians.  Tuscany.  Taralli.  Olive oil.  Parmigiano reggiano. Gelato in the middle of the afternoon.

Color. Contrast.  Reflections.  Shadows.

Artists, in whatever medium they may work -- food, fiber, paper, words, paint, chalk, photographs, plants, music.....

Postage stamps. Maps. Menus. Postcards. Greeting cards.

People who take the time and trouble to think first, and act second (or not at all).

Our beautiful planet.

England. The BBC.

Public television.

Perseverance. Generosity. Love. Charity. Responsibility. Courage.

People who TRY.

You, for visiting. Thank you.



paris parfait said...

A beautiful list for which to be thankful and a lovely pic of the leaf. Hope you and yours had a good Thanksgiving!

I need orange said...

Thanks. Playing with Photoshop Elements is one of my favorite things to do.

We had a very pleasant Thanksgiving, thanks. I hope the same is true for you and yours.