Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 11 -- more Art Institute


Let's take a break, shall we?  Sit outside in a shady spot, and have a snack?

We can admire the plants.

Love the edges of the leaves...................

Watch the passing clouds reflections on this smooth blue building.

Ok.  Let's wander back into the museum, shall we?

When I took Roman Architecture last year, I learned about Roman wall painting.  The Romans liked colors on their walls, and they liked 3-D decoration, too.  It was common to see mythological characters or beasts.  A lot of the painted walls we saw had many (many) small-ish panels that each stood on their own, as well as working together as a group.  Here is an example....

In the Art Institute, I happened across the first examples of Roman wall painting I'd seen in person since I took the class.  (I neglected to get the descriptive info, alas.)

It was not a surprise to see small panels (this one perhaps 18x24"?), and it was not a surprise to see that the plaster (I think I remember it was plaster) on the walls was carved or otherwise shaped before the painting was done.

I wonder if some of the decoration wasn't done by impression rather than carving?  This is the left edge of the "frame" on the panel above.  Squashed (with a mold?) when wet?

Byzantine flask, 5th-6th century.

Greek.  About 500 BCE.  Love the shape,and the contrast between the fussy bird and the big "eyes."

Its info says "attributed to the Theseus painter."  Isn't it amazing to have an idea which individual may have painted something, 2500 years later?

Back to more recent times.  Another architectural fragment, alas, with no documentation.

I went back up to see the Cornells again, and liked this Giacometti against the skyscrapers.  I think the figures are somewhat less than 2' talls.

Ok, eyes and brain on overload again.  Time to go home to the hotel.

Hey.  Look what's in front of the museum!  A Touch and Go Chess Party!  (I have no idea what "touch and go" chess is, but I suspect it's rather fast.)  One of the signs says "choose your opponent."  I think the "opponents" were on the street side of the table, but I might be wrong.  In addition to the two you see on the street side of the table, there was a pre-pubescent kid.

Love their decor...............

Love that the chess players brought psychedelic flowers and stuffed animals......

Even their speakers were decorated.  They were playing "Little Old Lady from Pasadena."

The rainbow mood in the air must have been contagious.  See the color in the spray from the fountain?

My view changed all the time.  Love the way the boats are picked out in light, behind the darker foreground.

7:20 pm.

7:40 pm.


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