Hmmm. What do I have that I don't *really* need, but which helps me do what I do?
I know, I know!

One of the many things I LOVE about digital photography is that I can take dozens and hundreds of pictures, with essentially no incremental cost. (Thinking about film; 36 images for $18........)
I make good use of this ability, and often take more than 300 pictures in one day, when I am on vacation.
This fall I watched the sales carefully, and indulged myself with this huge memory chip for my camera. It is the size of a postage stamp (a bit thicker), and it holds over 1200 pictures!
Do I *need* it? Nope. Do I *love* it? You bet.
Of course it isn't all that interesting to look at, but it currently holds allllllll my beach pictures from two weeks ago, so if you look at the beach I've been blogging, you'll see what I've done with my chip.
I firmly and entirely believe that the more pictures I take, the more *good* pictures I will take. Being able to take EVERY shot I think of (multiple times so I get a nice sharp one) makes a huge difference to being able to get interesting images to look at, to manipulate, to share. I took a lot of satisfying pictures on film, over the years, and some that were even pretty good. But I was always inhibited by the cost. Now I am free to take as many pics as I want, and I *love* it. I was very slow to adopt digital, and now I wouldn't go back for anything!
I don't take the camera with me everywhere, either. I love my camera, but it isn't small..... It is much lighter, though, than my old Pentax, so carrying it around isn't really a burden. I should really take it everywhere....
In my film days, 1200 pics might have been years worth. In my liberated digital now, it's 5 or 6 days-of-vacation worth..... :-) I usually take three shots of each image, and then throw away 2, keeping the sharpest, so 1200 translates into 400 or 500 that I actually keep long enough to make decisions about.
One really good choice I think!
Especially useful if you have small children. You really do have to take 100 shots to get a good one!
Thanks, Maria!
Sharla, I agree, and add "or pets!"
Even "just" taking pictures of the beach, taking dozens means I can choose the ones where the waves broke in an interesting way, or where the seagull's head was turned just so, or the instant when the surfer actually stood on the board. :-)
Ah the wonders of digital...I take my camera almost everywhere and take loads of photos too. I can easliy fill up a card trying to get just the right shot!!
My friends and family who don't take photos seem to think we shold be able to get that perfect shot the first time. Ha! Good to know you also take so many pics. Digital has made shooting and learning so much easier. keep up the ggod work!
I also love my camera and try to take it everywhere the more you use the better you get....
I read once (20 years ago or so!) that National Geographic photographers would take ten or more rolls of film for one story.
I thought -- "Sheesh! If I took that many pics, I could get some good ones, too!"
And now I do take that many! :-)
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