I believe I was misunderstanding copyright -- I thought that I owned *that copy* of that image, and could do whatever I wanted with that one copy. I knew I couldn't make copies of anything I made from that one original, but I thought I could use that one original however I chose. I now think that is not true, and my making something of a recognizeable piece of someone else's work is not ok. I'm not throwing out my binder of ATCs, but I won't be showing them anywhere or trading them, either......
Taking my own pics offers me the same opportunity to do extreme editing, and since my current pics are all digital, I can not only edit by cropping, as I did with the ATCs, I can go in and remove distractions, heighten contrast, etc, etc, etc.
I can take a very snap-shotty pic like this, and turn it into an image I think is actually rather interesting, like the one that follows......
I *LOVE* that I can do this. I love doing it. When I am working on pictures, I am late to dinner, and I don't hear people in the same room who talk to me. When I get up on a stormy morning, I resent the lightning that means it's really not a good idea to turn on the computer........ Wonder if there's a way to get people to pay me to do this...................

1 comment:
Yeah, I figured I could get "paid" -- $25 for an afternoon's work???? :-) :-)
Sometimes, though, a pic can be HUGELY improved with 5 minutes work. I fixed a couple of too-dark pics for my brother -- one click on the "auto smart fix" and a quick crop, and they were worlds better........
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