Thursday, June 08, 2006


I love zebras. Such outlandish stripes.

I grayed down the grass in this pic, as I didn't want the green interfering with the monochromatic vibe I was looking for.

The reality of the enclosure can be much better seen in the second pic. I always think that if herbivores have plenty of grass growing in their space, they are beginning to have enough room. This enclosure is big enough that giraffes can *run*. We had never seen giraffes run before Sunday, but two of them ran through this enclosure while we watched. Cool.

1 comment:

I need orange said...

Yah. From what I've seen on tv, their main goal is to become one with each other. All those stripes form one mass of movement and confusion, when a predator gets near.

One zebra, pretty visible. One zebra against the herd of zebras -- stripes, stripes, and more stripes!