Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Here are three different geese. You'll no doubt have noticed instantly that the goose poop has been excised from these images as well as yesterday's....

Gotta wonder about the powderpuff mohawk thing on this one's head..... She was very watchful. I have read that geese make good watch dogs, chasing off strangers.

All three of them had blue eyes. (I have other shots of the sleepy one.) Who knew geese have blue eyes. That's an example of something I might never have been close enough to see, in person, but with the zoom lens on the camera, I can get close enough.....

This one stood on one foot for quite a while before tucking her head between her wings for a snooze.

1 comment:

I need orange said...

:-) So true. I believe it is a tuft of feathers -- more silly and less appropriate, somehow.

Roman Tufted Goose