Friday, October 20, 2006

autumn inspiration -- Studio Friday

I love fall. Here's what I see out my study window. What's not to love about that golden light?

I love all the amazing colors. I love that they fill the sky and carpet the ground under my feet. I *love* that I'm allowed to pick them up! I can't just pick people's flowers when I admire them, but I am allowed to pick up as many leaves as I want, to preserve as bits and pixels.

Fall is about enjoying the beautiful days (as we know their numbers are limited!) and about hunkering down for the cold weather to come. Fall is about enjoying soup, and chili, and making bread (because it's not an awful thought to run the oven for an hour).

A week ago I drove out in the country to find some dirt roads with slow traffic, so I could park and take pictures of fields (full of food toward the coming winter) and beautiful trees. This field is full of soybeans.........

Here's another pic from that sunny Monday afternoon. At this time of year I always feel that I must consciously soak up all the color, against the coming of the monotone.....


Artifax said...

Wow! That first picture is amazing. Everthing is such a rich yellow. You can even see the same color carpeting the ground through the gaps in the trees. Lovely!

Anke Martin said...

What a bright red in that one foto! Enjoy fall time!

Sydney Harper said...

Wow, such bright colors! Beautiful pictures.

Kerri Jean said...

Hi Vicki,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. That soybean field and the backdrop of trees is one of the many things I appreciate about this short season. I also love to collect leaves - to scan & use as artwork, to wax & use as decoration, and just to appreciate...and you're right, my neighbors would not let me do that to their flowers, but I have collected leaves from all over the neighborhood. - love your blog header too~!!!

Carol Michel said...

Wonderful pictures of fall. I am hoping we peak out "down here" in Indiana soon, before the wind rips all the leaves off the trees.

Going For Greatness said...

how absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
I wish that Fall would last 6 months!!

I need orange said...

Thank you all for the comments! Much appreciated!