Thursday, October 26, 2006

bright tree

As you might expect, taking pics out the car window, in the rain, at 70 mph, is not the best plan for nice clear pics. I took the camera off auto-focus, and tried (not sure if I was successful!) to put it on infinite focus.

Then I had to dodge the windshield wipers..... And of course there were reflections on the insides of the windows, and raindrops on the outsides.....

Given all that, I'm surprised that there were as many salvageable images as there were.

Here's an image I started with:

I messed with "levels" to increase the intensity of dark places, jacked up the red, green, and yellow, and poster-edged. The camera remembered the image above; what I remember is closer to this next one.

I like this tree, I like the grasses in the foreground, but the blurry mess at the bottom of the bare tree on the right ... not so much. Not so fond of the sky, either.....


winnsangels said...

Very nice photos considering conditions taken in. I like the bottom one. I think the sky provides good contrast for the brilliance of the tree and I like the foreground. anyway...
I'm curious about your title for blog. I have a history with the colur orange and would be interested in learning yours.

I need orange said...

Thanks! I appreciate your take on it!

I love orange. Helen Frankenthaler did abstract prints, one of which was entitled "I Need Yellow." When I had to come up with a title for the blog, I thought I might take a leaf out of her book.....

For me it's all about (well, *mostly* about) color. I love color contrast, particularly, so orange AND turquoise, or orange AND purple, or even orange on black and white...... That's for me. :-)