Here's what it looked like when we got home last night (though this pic was taken this morning).

We had thought they weren't coming until today, so it was a little surprising to see the garage, rising like a phoenix.....
I don't do noise well, and I'm not good with change. This is all wearing me down, like my dog's toenails. His front structure is so poor that he drags his toes. All these walks have not been good for his front tootsies. One nail on one foot has worn right through to the live part, poor boy. I made him a "shoe" out of denim, so that his toenail no longer meets the pavement....... Perhaps I'll get a pic of that....
Anyway. I'm feeling rubbed raw just like the toenail; what sort of shoe works for that? A shot of whisky? A handful of xanax? Sigh. (It actually didn't occur to me until last night, when I couldn't get our printer to spit out holiday-mail envelopes, that this is a STUPID time to have this work done for more reasons than "it's icky to take the dogs out in cold rain!" This season has more than enough stress without this......)
Here's a pic of the noise. Open the front door (as we must because the back opens to a sea of mud), and here is what you see. One generator and one compressor. You can hear them from a block away. I know, as I was out walking the dogs, and.....

I know no one ever said the process of having construction done is fun (well, some pervert somewhere probably enjoys it), but I just want to go sit in a corner and gibber. Someplace else. Where the generator isn't running all the time.

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