Friday, January 19, 2007

not everybody appreciates the ice in the trees

Having your favorite hangout covered in ice can be a drag. Especially if, should you slip, it's a long way down.....

I've noticed the squirrels spending more time on the ground than usual.

This guy, however, was chasing around in this tree with another squirrel. A lady friend, perhaps? Love outranks fear of falling..........

1 comment:

I need orange said...

I have, actually, seen squirrels fall. Not very many times, but at least a couple.

As to the scat, no. When we had bunnies, a few years ago, I saw bunny "tracks" fairly often. I expect that squirrel leavings are small enough that they melt in the first rain.... And maybe they are careful as to where they put them?

Some birds are quite careful. We have had robin nests, and they never make a mess near the nest. Sparrows, on the other hand.......