This ... not so much.

I didn't notice this, Friday, but first thing yesterday morning................
They ran out of siding on Thursday, and had to get more. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have gotten the same color.

It's not just that the colors are different; the grayer one is also darker (here they are with the color removed...).

Do you suppose anyone thought we wouldn't notice? Or that it was ok like this?
This is minor in comparison to not having the yard. I don't care so very much how long it takes for them to fix this, as it doesn't mean I'm right back to walking the dogs every single time they need to go out.
Oh well, then.
Communication has surely not been a strong point of this whole process.
I (no doubt unreasonably) think that it's not too much for me to know, on a daily basis, what the "next thing" is, and why it isn't happening Right Now.
As it is, I rarely have had any idea at all what is happening next, and things have been as likely to NOT happen ("they'll pour concrete tomorrow") as to happen, when we actually were given a day for things to happen.
It surely doesn't make me eager to have any more work done!
I saw an ad in the classifieds the other day for someone looking for a construction supervisor. Amongst the qualifications was "excellent communication skills, both in person and electronically."
Sounds like just the sort of person I want supervising my job!
We looked them up in the yellow pages (the ad only had a fax number, no name) and decided it was Acheson Builders..............
Of course, as we are only too well aware (superintendent search experience), the sort of person one wishes to hire, and the sort of person actually available and willing, may not be even close to having the same skill set................
Well, I guess I should just shut up already with the whining -- as far as we can tell, the construction skills have been excellent. I can see what the carpenter(s) have done, and it is very neat and with thought to mitering/even-ness/level-ness/sturdiness, etc, etc. And the electrical stuff (brand newly working today!!) also seems to work (more testing needed -- some lights won't work unless it is dark out, but so far so good).
You are so right -- things can always be worse. That's something else we learned, to our dismay, during the whole fiasco of a schoolboard experience.....
So far the only garage things we've identified that are not correct are cosmetic, like the siding.... It *is* wearing to always have to have an eye on everything as to whether it's right. I'm sure that just comes with the territory, but we're clear why we never launched down this path before, and also why we're unlikely to hurry and do it again any time soon.........
And I still wish we were getting something more exciting than a garage, for all the aggravation!
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