I enjoy travel. I like to see new places, and to visit familiar old ones.
Most of what I've been doing creatively is taking pics and then messing with them after the fact. Travel offers all sorts of opportunities for collecting interesting images....
We went to Chicago in July. There is photogenic architecture.

There are public gardens.

There are museums with wonderful objects.

We also took much smaller trips -- an hour's drive to the state fair....

An hour in a different direction to the Toledo Zoo.....

I also love the sort of travel where you go to the beach, and just stay put. I feel more centered at the beach than anywhere else. I love just wandering up and down, barefooted, puttering, collecting bits and pieces, listening to the waves......

I love being at home. When I'm thinking of a trip, it always seems like so much trouble. But I'm nearly always glad I went.......... Just for the experience of being ... wherever, and seeing everything there is to see. And the collected images are an excellent bonus.
Oh I so agree about the beach and the water! Lovely!
Great pictures from your trips! What an awesome view/shot of our skyline....do you know I have lived her all my life (with the exception of the 10 years in Indiana but it was so close I could spit to IL) that I have never once taken a picture of the skyline??? I guess you need to be away from things to appreciate them more. Thanks for 'awakening' that in me!
ohh i like the beach and the zebra-lovely pictures!
Great pictures. I grew up and spent 20 years in MI and never went to Chicago. I would love to go!
Great pictures! I especially like the Chicago skyline.
Thank you all for the kind words.
Chicago is a great place to visit. Lots of things to do, all right together. We stayed in that big hotel that is right between us and Sears Tower in the pic, several years ago, and so were in easy walking distance of the Field Museum, the Planetarium, the Aquarium, and the Art Museum. Millenium Park wasn't there then, but it is now, so that would be added to the list. Lots to do that kids would enjoy, and lots that I enjoyed by myself.
I find that taking lots of pics opens my eyes to taking even more pics.... I start to *see* more things than I had been seeing.....
I always find surprises in the camera, too. Things that I didn't see when I took the pic, but which show up when I see the images on the computer screen.
And then of course I start messing with the images. All of the pics with this post but the beach were Photoshopped, to one extent or another.
Could the sky be that blue? Probably not. :-) And the buildings aren't those colors, either. :-) I pushed the "saturation" slider......
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