Friday, June 29, 2007

another puppy update

Buzz and I went to MSU again today.

As he had such a hard time with the vincristine last week, it was decided that he should try adriamycin, which is even harsher, but affects different systems (the heart, for one)........

He had to have an echo-cardiogram before he could have the adria (as those of us who know WAY more than we wish we did about all of this call it).

So first we wait for the ekg, and they shave even more of his beautiful hair in order to do it.......

Then they talk to us -- "Heart is great!"

Then they go shoot him up with this stuff that is so nasty that if it rests on any tissue, it permanently kills that tissue and "it is recommended that the affected limb be amputated." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me, with a straight face, this stuff isn't Poison with a capital P................... :-(

So far he's feeling fine (HUNGRY!). Waiting to feed dinner until his anti-nausea meds (metoclopamide and sucralfate) have had their hour to work on an empty stomach.........

He's fine; I'm exhausted..........................

And that is today. So far.

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