To refresh our memories, here is what the curb cut on the corner across the street looked like before they began. We note a gentle slope from the level of the ground down to the street. We note that the sidewalk is pretty much level with the ground beside it. To be thorough, we will note also that we can't figure out why this needed work -- looks all smooth and even, no cracks or dips or................

Now we are seriously perplexed. Why on earth are they digging the Marinas Trench here?

It doesn't seem to be a random error; they are doing the same thing on the opposite corner..............

Here it is, with concrete. They have lowered the level of the concrete nearly 18" below the level of the yard beside it. Note how low it is, relative to ... everything.
What do you want to bet this will be a lake of ice in the winter....................
Good grief.
Surely makes a person feel all warm and fuzzy inside, seeing her tax dollars at work.......

From my experience they needed work to do...they will be back to put it like it was previously:)
You are probably right.
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