Sunday, August 19, 2007

if it's not one damned thing....

... it's another.

So my leukemia boy has been feeling pretty good, right? So I take him out in the yard and throw the frisbee for him like he wants me to, right?

Can you guess what happens?

Standing in the back hallway, looking towards the back door.

Turning 180 and looking the other way.

I hope I never again need to spend this much on footwear. For anyone.

He broke a toenail, up so high under the skin that they wanted to xray (to make sure that his bones weren't compromised, due to the cancer/chemo -- luckily his bones are fine). It required anesthesia to remove the toenail (and I'll spare you the details of what they did to him, but trust me, eeeuuuuuuuuwhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!).

I'm to take his bandage off today (he did it last night), but they didn't say *what time* today...........

Naturally it has rained ever since he was at the emergency vet (I picked him up at 8:00 last night). So we have a roll of masking tape on the backdoor's knob. Handy for ripping off a foot of tape to fasten a plastic bag over his bandage before he goes out................



Anonymous said...

Hello...I came across your blog while searching on "corgi leukemia"...I lost my beloved Pembroke Welsh Corgi just this evening to Acute Lymphocystic Leukemia. I had no idea she had it, and she only became ill just recently. She was my first Corgi, so this has been a horrible event for us. I hope things continue to go well for your Corgi, and that he lives long!

I need orange said...

Sue, I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Even when they are old and have been ailing for some time it is still so hard when they must go on without us.

I can't imagine losing one who seemed fine so recently.

Thank you for the good wishes.

I hope he can feel good for a long time yet!