Friday, October 19, 2007


Yes, it's really 4:30 am..........

Buzz had vincristine on Tuesday. He's doing well. A bit more lip-licky than usual (a sign of nausea).

He's been on metoclopramide (to help his GI tract stay smooth and happy) since Wed. evening (he has never thrown up after chemo until about 30 hours after he gets it). I expect I'll give him one this morning, and then call it good, for this go-round.

I am not at all happy about continuing to give him pred. I need someone to convince me it's a good idea. Long-term pred use causes muscle wasting (and all sorts of even worse things), and I think I'm seeing some of that......... I also do NOT need him drinking more and more and wanting to go out in the night all the time. Once per night is more than desirable, and he's likely to tank up when he comes in, and then need to go out again................

I will talk to the onc about this, when I go to MSU on the 30th.

This morning I let him out at 3:15.

Why is it that girl dogs (all three I've had) will go out and pee when told, even if they "don't really have to", but boy dogs.........................

Unless they have to go really badly they have to be browbeaten into walking off the cement, and even then may not go.

This "I don't have to" thing does NOT amuse me -- they are DOGS. Were we to go around the block, they would manage to pee 87 times. So why can't they oblige me and pee in the back yard when I ask??????????? The girls would have..........

When the boys grudgingly finally comply, it's not like they really only had 7 drops..... Sigh.

All of this often results in me being so annoyed when I get back to bed that I have trouble going back to sleep.

This morning it's too hot (well, not really too hot, but not cool enough to help me get rid of hot flashes) AND after we got back to bed he insisted on walking across my bare legs, scratching me.............

So here I am, instead of lying in bed, angry about having to go downstairs and go out with him and drive him into the grass and cajole/harass him to pee, warmed even more than my native age would cause by a furry companion pressed against my side.

He never used to sleep right on the bed; this is new, and probably some sort of bad sign.


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