Tuesday, October 30, 2007


He was supposed to go to Michigan State for his last adriamycin today, and to find out what we do from here (that is the end of his IV chemo protocol).


He hasn't eaten normally since last Tuesday (and really wasn't back to 100% normal then, but almost). Since the vincristine he had then, he has been right back to not wanting any of his regular food. He would eat it, if I fed it to him kibble by kibble, but for a corgi to not just wolf down anything he is offered....... Not good.

I had pretty much decided to take him to MSU even if he wasn't eating well, but not let them give him the adria (as we can get it from my local vet, and I want him to be ok before we hit him again....).

Then yesterday morning at 6:00 am I got back everything he'd eaten for the second half of Sunday.


I gave him a metoclopramide (to regulate and soothe the GI tract) at 7:00 yesterday morning, but it is definitely making him weird. Yesterday he was afraid to switch flooring surfaces. Afraid to go from the wood (dark) to the linoleum (light), for example. Once he got on the new surface he was ok, but contemplating doing it had him scared............

I fed him little bits of chicken broth, one oyster cracker, a little piece of graham cracker.... At supper time I dissolved a packet of gelatin in his chicken broth, and added a teaspoon of canola oil so he would get a few calories.

At 8:00pm, when he had gone over 12 hours without vomiting, I gave him a tablespoon of plain boiled rice, and at 10:00, he got another tablespoon, with a tiny bit of olive oil.

Then in the middle of the night (3 or 4 this morning), he threw up again.


He hasn't thrown up anything other than water or yellow foam since June, so this isn't good.

I suppose I could have given him another metoclopramide yesterday evening, but since he was doing well and it clearly made him weird..............

So I called MSU to cancel, to be told that they really wanted to see him if he couldn't keep down food, but that they would understand if I wanted to go to my regular vet. Good, because I don't want to drive all that way if I don't have to!

We went to the local vet, and he had a blood count (all ok), and some sub-q fluid, and a shot of cerenia (brand new anti-vomiting drug). I got two more doses of cerenia (one for tomorrow morning, and one for Thursday), and am to get him on diawin and sucralfate, and start up metronidazole if he has diarrhea.


At this point we are in watchful waiting. As long as he will drink and pee, we are not panicking.

The vincristine is hard on the gut, and the leukeran is, too. I think his gut has just had it........... After all these weeks of getting hit, over and over and over.....

Hoping that it can settle, if we stop hitting it (though he is supposed to stay in the leukeran)................

Speaking of which, I have to go over the the U (people) cancer center to get some leukeran. I can get it from CVS, but it costs noticeably more. I was hoping to get it at MSU today, but since I didn't *go* to MSU.......... I had the vet call in the
'script, and then I have to drive to the hospital, park in the structure, and run in to get the stuff. Wish they had a drive-up window so I didn't have to park.

Ok, enough whining.

I'm tired................


Jennifer said...

I can't imagine how hard this has been on you, to watch Buzz go through this. Sending you and him healthy, positive thoughts from Texas.

I need orange said...

Thanks! Your good thoughts are much appreciated.

I really shouldn't complain. I read caninecancer@yahoogroups.com, and I know how very very much worse things could be. Dogs who just won't eat anything. Dogs with diarrhea that goes on for weeks. Dogs with much worse cancers...............

This is not fun, but it could be a lot worse.........

Thanks again. Your kind thoughts are appreciated.