Monday, October 08, 2007

in service of chickens......

DH opened his fortune cookie, read the fortune, then handed it to me.

"Life is in service of chickens." I read.

??? 'Scuse me?????

I held it a little farther from my face, and tilted it toward the light.

"Life is a series of choices."

Oh. A lot more scrutable, but less interesting. And not really a "fortune" either way.

Ah well.

My favorite fortune of all time is one my daughter received last year "You will find three missing socks." Not only a fortune, not only a good fortune, but original and interesting.


Anonymous said...

eat your vegetable and you will grow up big and strong like Popeye.

Anonymous said...

oh and it not only told me I would find 3 missing socks, but that I would find them in the next 5 months

I need orange said...

That Popeye one is my second favorite of all time.... :-)