Thursday, November 01, 2007


No puking since Monday morning, KNOCK ON WOOD.

I've been feeding him the Hill's i/d "low residue" food he came home with after the mystery GI incident last fall. Yesterday he got about a tablespoon every hour. Today I'm giving him a bit more. I will give him another cerenia today, too.

His sucralfate is really annoying -- it's supposed to be on an empty stomach. So you take a dog who is supposed to be eating every hour, and give him a pill that has to be two hours after the last time he ate and one hour before the next time he eats.

You are taking some big chunks out of the hours!

I liked the metoclopramide, as it only needs 20 min on an empty stomach.....

Let's hope that he continues to feel better, and no more vincristine to mess up his gut!

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