Sunday, November 04, 2007


I believe he was pretty much all dry, yesterday. Whew! I did notice a bit of licking, a couple of times, but didn't see any puddles or drips that I was sure weren't spit.....


After oinking all the chow he was offered on Friday, yesterday he was back to sniffing and licking and picking up a mouthful of chow and spitting it out............ He was also much more lip-licky than he is when on an anti-emetic, which lead me to believe that his tum just Wasn't Quite Right......


So -- given that it seems he often overreacts to his "proper dose" of things -- I decided to try him on half a dose of metoclopramide. He is supposed to get half of a (20mg?) tab, twice daily. I gave him a quarter of one metoclopramide yesterday noon, and another in the evening.

By evening it seemed that he felt fine (and no weirdness about going from one flooring surface to another, knock on wood!), and was snarking up chows again.


We're continuing on this plan this morning. He snarked chows. Yay. However (*why* is there always a "however"??????????) when I threw him a handful of cheerios, it was the sniff and lick plan.

I am too old for roller coasters..........................

But -- he feels fine, barking at everything, and is eating (almost everything) well. I'll take it.......... (Nothing like a bout of incontinence to make you feel like picky eating is *nothing*.......... !!!)

Assuming that all of this GI upset is due to the IV chemo, I believe that (with no more IV chemo), his gut is supposed to recover.

Devoutly to be hoped.

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