Saturday, November 03, 2007

I rule!

Once upon a time, in a life I thankfully know as "former," I did a lot of work on cars. Well, on one car. An elderly Rambler.

As I got older, and richer, I decided that working on cars was not something I wanted to spend time/energy doing. Water and metal -- everything all melded together -- "Remove these six screws..." yah, GOOD LUCK, as they are TOTALLY at one with their surroundings and you will need to use a torch to have a prayer of getting one part separated from the other......................

But. The Taurus is the old car (our "new" car being the '98 Voyager). I am nursing it along, needing it to last until we actually manage to acquire an actual new car.

We bought it a battery at midnight Friday morning.

Yesterday, I set out to install the new battery.

First, I strolled across the street (where the Taurus hangs out), to assess the situation and determine which implements might be needed. I took the WD40 with me.....

It's at this point you will have to begin using your imagination, as I only thought of blogging this as I was beating my chest and hooting with exultation after I had the new one installed.......

So now you imagine a dirtygreasy old battery, sitting where you see this nice new one.

I determine that I need a socket wrench. I douse the screws/nuts holding the cables to the battery terminals with WD40.

I go back across the street, and begin looking for our set of socket wrenches. I can't find it. Not upstairs, not downstairs, not in the family room closet.


Then I notice the set of tools we got for Christmas one year, pristine in their red plastic suitcase. Does it have socket wrenches? Well, it has a few sockets.... And it does have various other things that might be useful, like a crescent wrench and a pair of channel locks......

I saunter back across the street with the suitcase, and open it on the front seat.

Does it have the right size socket? It does!

One screw undoes easily, but the other........ The angle is funny, and I can't put as much muscle behind it......

Then I remember that in car repair as in so many other aspects of life, Leverage is Your Friend.

Apply the channel locks to the screwdriver-thingy with the socket on the end, and Bob's your uncle.

The cables come off the old terminal, the battery can be muscled out and laboriously carried across the street to the garage (HEAVY!!!!).

Catch breath. Pick up new battery and go back across the street. Muscle into place. Attach terminals.

Dither about attempting to start car. Go back across street, go inside, wash hands, think about taking dog to vet (see prev post). Pack up dog, explain to other dog that while it's not fair that the other dog gets to go and he has to stay you are only going to the vet anyway and remind him he hates going to the vet, go back across the street, hoist dog into car (he's afraid to jump into the car).

Get in. Adjust mirror. Adjust seat. Clear throat.

START CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Much as I do not enjoy working on cars, it does feel really good when you Get The Job Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The anti-climax was driving to the vet, deciding to NOT subject him to a catheterization just yet, as maybe the incontinence will, shall we say, dry up as a result of stopping the cerenia, and drive home.

Both times the car started with a VROOM! (have I mentioned it needs a new exhaust system?).



Tina T-P said...

Hey - good job on the car - satisfying, isn't it?

Hope Buzz is doing better - Sinda definately didn't like me being gone for a week - our poor little four legged friends...

Love your leaf pictures. T.

I need orange said...

Thanks! Yes, feels very good when one succeeds at such a task!

Thanks -- I believe (and fervently hope) he is better....

They really don't like it when we are gone. I always figure that their 10,000-yr-old contract with us was that they would stay with us, always, in return for companionship and a bit of food. We generally hold up our end on the food, but the companionship -- we are gone a lot more than the contract intended, I'm sure!