Monday, March 24, 2008


Buzz had his chemo (vincristine) on Thursday. Saturday morning he vomited at 5:20 and again at 6:10. He had 1/4 of a metoclopramide before supper and before bed on Friday, but it wasn't enough......

He and I got up at 6:10 on Saturday, and went downstairs. I gave him another 1/4 of a metoclope, and then an hour later, I gave him another 1/4. The dose for his weight is supposed to be 1/2, but last fall that amount was making him weird (it crosses the blood/brain barrier, and can cause weirdness).

So far, so good. No more vomiting since Saturday morning, and no weirdness.....

He wouldn't eat, on Saturday. I think his mouth hurts, when he's had vincristine.... It was more worrying that he wouldn't even eat snow, which he loves, and he wasn't drinking....

We had a can of Eukanuba low-residue, so I gave him about a teaspoon of that, mashed in 1/4 cup of water. He ate that, Saturday morning, but wouldn't have a second helping.... He did eat another helping an hour or so later, and continued to eat it during the day.

As long as he's drinking.................

He didn't seem to feel too bad yesterday, just a bit droopy.

Sunday he felt much better, and even ate some kibble in water (after letting me know he preferred the canned food, already!).

He didn't feel *too* bad, even on Saturday. He was still barking a lot, and still bossing his brother around. But he was a little droopy, and you could tell just by looking at him that he didn't feel good.

I'm still taking it easy on his stomach this morning. He had 1/4 reglan(metoclopramide) before bed, and this morning, and then the last 1/4 can of Euk low residue. In about half an hour I'm going to give him some kibble and his leukeran.......

Here he is, on Sunday, surveying his domain.


Anonymous said...

Good boy, Buzz--Betony says to hang in there, it will get better! The Eukanuba low residue was on her post hospital diet too.
Cindy R

I need orange said...

Thanks for the good thoughts! He felt better yesterday. I have tapered him back to 1/4 reglan....

He's still looking for canned food, but ate his kibble yesterday, so I think we're over the hump.