Saturday, July 12, 2008

"house cleaning"


When we get into our safe-deposit box at the bank, we usually just stick something in and walk away.

Yesterday I needed to get something out.

First I had to locate that something, so I looked through the whole contents of the box. Since I was looking through everything, I decided I might as well do a little weeding.

I suppose we don't *really* need to keep (let alone keep in that secure location) the papers describing old dead certificates of deposit..... Nor the AKC registration for a dog who died two years ago (good girl, Sophie!).

The most amusing stuff I brought home was slides documenting our ... valuables.

Now ... I took slides before the kid was born, and switched to prints after we needed to be sending duplicates to the grandparents on a frequent basis. So we know from the fact that the images are slides that they are older than 20 years.

Wanna guess?

The receiver that has been squirrelly for years (but still mostly works, so it went to the Kiwanis thrift store a few weeks ago). The turntable that was unreliable before its drive-band broke several years ago, and which went out in the trash. The tv that is in the basement in case of tornado. None of these items was anywhere top-of-the-line when new............

One slide showed some art, and I left that one in the box. The rest came home to be laughed at, and then pitched........

Now that I think of it, maybe I should have left them in there for our heir to puzzle over.............. "WHY do they have slides of this junk, and WHY are the slides in the safe-deposit box????"

You can thank me later, dear, for a few fewer things to have to examine to determine if they have any worth.


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