Saturday, August 23, 2008

Carol's garden


Last weekend I visited my friend Carol, who has lots of excellent flowers.

You know full sun is not my favorite light, but let's see what we can do.....


A pitiful attempt at a habit shot. Sunflowers put up a tall stiff stem. They have heart-shaped leaves, and may only have one bloom at the top (though there are ornamental varieties which are more floriferous).

Note moi and camera, bottom left....

These next shots are of a sunflower with orange/mahogany petals. I neglected to get a shot of the flower, but look how the color also manifests in the leaves and stems.......

The two buddleaias were in the back of the house, shaded by the house in the morning. Interesting that they both have orange centers.

Back in front.

Morning glories.

Zinnia bud.


Wow, eh?



Anonymous said...

That purple buddleia reminds me of something...what is it? Something purple... hmmmmm... how's your leg?

I need orange said...

It really hasn't bothered me much. A nose-butt in the back of the calf from the dog, ouch, or bumping the bar between the legs of a chair in a restaurant.....

One of my friends told me I should have gotten contact info, in case I had joint involvement, and then my knee hurt all the rest of that day.

("Of *course* it did!" quoth my hubby.... :-) )

But aside from that.......

The purple line is still purple, and you can still feel that it's sort of ... solid ... in there, but the rest of the back of my calf is fading to green and yellow.

So now I'm purple and green, just like the plant........... :-)