Monday, October 13, 2008

paint, October 12


Sunday was another gorgeous day.

How did we spend it?

Family room, sticking out the back of the house, is almost done. Note how much better it looks than the still-in-progress front of the house!

We're not as young as we used to be. We can only stand a few hours in a row of this sort of activity.

You know I couldn't walk through the yard with the camera without taking some more ... recreational ... pictures.

Does anyone else do this? Most times, when I think of something that seems very American to me, I discover that it's common everywhere (watermelon was one such thing).

There was a full moon, but every attempt I made (about a dozen!) was blurry. Alas.



Anonymous said...

Was watching Anthony Bourdain visiting in Saudi Arabia, and Heroes is popular on TV there.

I did not expect that.

I need orange said...

I have seen commercials for Heroes, but don't know any more about it than that.....