Sunday, January 04, 2009

library leaves, part 2





Saturated some more. Oh my.


Different crop.

Another crop.

Yet another crop. Quite liking taking the crop down so far that it abstracts the whole thing into shapes/colors rather than leaves.....

New original.

Poster edges.

Saturation boosted. I like the way it makes that curled-up leaf stand out more.

Oh my. Curled up leaf not as distinct as in the prev, but seriously loving the color here......... !!! That *blue* barberry leaf on the right, and the magenta-purple one against the orange-yellow, top right-ish......

Another pic, serious crop, poster-edged.




Anonymous said...

These are just amazing.
I am a pushover for orange/blue complements.

I need orange said...

[blush] Thanks!

Me too. Yep, anything even sort of blue-ish and orange.

Of course orange is nice with hot pink, chartreuse, brown, black, white, gray...............
