After the pre-Columbian objects, we found ourselves in a room with mostly Spanish stuff of the same vintage.
Not bad, for no satellite images, eh?
I neglected to get a pic of the tag for this. Wanna bet it was made from silver stolen from Peru?
A perfect example of something I can admire in a museum but have no desire to own.
Excellent shadows!
Love these two prints, both of watery subjects, one so crisp and the other more dreamy.
A spectacularly fringed garment, rolled up.
Divination tray (see next). Looks very full-moon-ish to me.
Now this I would own in a flash. Love the color, love the balance........
Don't you looooove this? I don't care about the dress and the hat, which, I'm sure, are supposed to be the focus, but the *hair*??? What an *excellent* way to show the hairstyle of the time. Without breaking the bank! A brilliant idea. And I like the execution, with all the different sizes of strips/curls.
(Don't you want to go back to that pre-Columbian guy with the holes in his head and give him a lush wig of paper curls? They could be made from grocery bag to fit in with his monochromatic color scheme........)
More ceramics. These were either made or decorated by women in the early 20th century.
Love the way it curves in, just slightly, in the bottom third.
Love the relief.
I need this, to go with my painting, n'est-ce pas?
Someone who comes to the Ann Arbor Art Fair makes pots with a similar sensibility. I've always liked them.
Time to go.
Back downtown to drop the swimmer.
I'm liking the red dots.
Away from downtown, to the southwest, back to our motel.
Relief and color on a boulevard planter. Lots of decoration in Charlotte.....
Across the street from our motel. Love the reflection.
In the motel garden. I don't know what this is going to be, but it will be large!
During the evening session at the pool, the coach who helped our swimmer rebuild her freestyle stroke between her junior and senior years of high school was there looking at swimmers who might transfer to the team he now coaches. We were glad to see him and have a bit of a chat. I always thought he was a good guy, and more cerebral than a lot of coaches. We love people who not only have brains but can be bothered to make use of them from time to time.....
After the evening session, we went to Monsoon Thai.
The menu said noodle basket, but we were still surprised to see this. It was good.
I was ready for *veggies.* This looks plain, but had some interesting tastes. It had a good deal of ginger, and I'm not sure what else, in addition to the lovely colors and tastes of the veggies. Hit the spot.
(Do enjoy the colors/textures of the table cloth and placemat, too.)
Downtown Charlotte is a hopping place, but once you get a few miles away from the center, things shut down fairly early. We found a grocery, and a particular restaurant on Thursday night, but both were closed when we arrived before 9:00 pm.
We are used to supermarkets staying open 24/7, so it was a surprise that everything was closed.
There was one Walgreens near our motel that was open 24 hours. We stopped in to get Sudafed and graham crackers. They were doing a lot of business. We were surprised their neighboring stores didn't sit up and take notice of the fact that a lot of people want/need stuff after dark...........
On Thursday night we ended up eating in a Waffle House, and something there gave my honey hives. This is something that has never happened to him before. Luckily it stopped with hives rather than progressing to more distressing symptoms, but it is a bit bothersome to have no idea what might have caused it. He had the omelet with everything, so the possibilities are legion........ Including all the things he didn't order that were cooked on the same griddle earlier that day............
Note to self: add benadryl to the list of drugs that must be traveled with.
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