Friday, April 10, 2009

April 9, with Buzzupdate


On the 9th I had a dentist appointment.

I have switched dentists, and the new one is whipping my mouth into shape. So far I've had a crown replacement, a replaced filling, and a root planing.

The 9th was "just for cleaning," and they also assessed how I'm doing since the root planing. They were very happy that some of my "pockets" have tightened up. Nearly all of the ones that were fives are now threes. I was complimented on my flossing.

Unfortunately they identified the sensitive tooth I mentioned to them as needing a filling.

Well. "Unfortunately" -- I had thought it was probably cracked, so having a cavity is better than that, at least..........

In addition to getting that fixed, I also need a partial crown on at least one tooth.


Here we are, driving to the dentist.

The heart of Ann Arbor is the intersection of Main and Huron. One North Main is the northwest corner of that intersection. It is ziggurat shaped, with offices in the lower floors, and what must be some spectacular condos (with big balconies) on the upper floors.

I like the shadows behind the raised letters.

Home from the dentist. The across-the-street neighbors rolled the snow into some pretty large cylinders.

Isn't it cool how we can see the spiral layers?

Buzz has been feeling much better for the last several days. His bad leg has been behaving itself a bit better, and he has been feisty, bossy, and loud.

I don't know whether this is a result of his kidney food (and nutriceutical) or what, but I'm glad he's feeling good again.

Here he is, on the couch, half Ameliorated. (We used to fold Molly's ears over her head, and tell her she was Amelia Earhart........)

Wilbur, suffering -- yet again -- the ennui of having his nap interrupted by a monkey pointing a black chirpy box thing at him.



Anonymous said...

Wilbur is lucky that is the only trouble facing him. If I were there, I would pick him up and squeeze him, and that would be much, much worse.


I need orange said...

His life sucks.

More, or less, at different times, but it just sucks.

Poor, poor boy.

Anonymous said...

Also, the snow pile reminds me of Goldsworthy's June snowballs in London. Too bad no one probably thought to roll anything exciting into the snow.

I need orange said...

I hadn't thought of that.

Maybe they did. I'll have to keep track of what happens as it melts..... :-)

Today it's about half the height it was yesterday, and so far I am not seeing anything interesting exposed as a result of the melting............

Kim said...

Buzz has a colored smile! Or was that his morning coffee?

I need orange said...

His upper lip catches in his lower canines, so it's often wet.... Those red places are from that. The redness from wetness has been much worse in the last couple of years.

Not sure if that's because he's sick, or...... ?????

So -- it's more like cool-aid than coffee. Pinky-browny-red.
