Monday, June 15, 2009

June 14


Yesterday we took Wilbur for a walk. I wasn't in the mood for pictures, and only managed to get this one image.



leslie said...

I like that picture of 'two'.
You are on my mind.

I need orange said...


Doing better today than yesterday (when I basically cried all day).

Still wondering why he's not begging for lettuce ribs, and if I won't be sorry for letting Burt eat in his place when he gets home.........


Having carried him downstairs every single trip since Thanksgiving, and upstairs most of the time in the last several weeks, I keep wondering where he is, expecting that he's unhappy because I didn't bring him up. Or down.

He was always, if he had a choice, right with me. (Unless I turned the printer on, in which case he left the room as the printer gets yelled at a lot, and he doesn't ... oops :-( ... didn't like yelling....)

leslie said...

That's funny about the printer.
Lettuce ribs? Really?
Deuce accepts whatever I hand to him, but if it's fruit or vegetable, I get the "What? No meat?" look.

When Ace died, I had to adjust to not tripping over him every step.
I could get out of the chair without explaining that , no, I wasn't going outside. Every time.
It is a weird period of adjustment.

I need orange said...

He would even eat lettuce leaves. Happily. Beg for them. He'd be eagerly eating lettuce, and Burt would happen along to see what he was eating, so I'd give him a bit, too.

Burt, more like Deuce, generally will get an "???" expression, and spit it out.

Same thing when Buzz wanted the ice after I finished my drink. Wilbur totally convinced ice is NOT food, so...........

It is a weird period of adjustment.

Even though part of you Knows, the rest ... doesn't.

Like flicking on the light switch when you know (or part of you knows!) the power is down, the habits are slow to go.

I have begun to stop looking to carry him up or down all the time, but yesterday we drove by a pet supply store with a sale on beds. He loooooooves (oops, loved :-( ) a bed I got for him last fall, and I thought, yesterday, "I should check out those beds."
