Sunday, July 19, 2009



Yesterday I was driving eastward back into town, south of Huron high school. As I curved up onto north campus, west of the school property, I saw deer in the woods. A doe with a fawn. Mama was watching the traffic. One would hope she was attempting to avoid cars, but from things I've heard from people who have had run-ins with deer, she was probably calculating how to run right into the side of a car.....

I couldn't stop there, and thought they'd disappear if I tried it, anyway, so all I have to show you is these words.

That patch of woods is well inside the city limits, surrounded by housing and businesses. There may be a treed corridor out to the country, but.........

Not a very safe place for deer.

I'm glad I got to see them, and hope I don't see them later, bloated by the side of the road.


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