Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 14, the rest of the way home


Love this shot, with the balloon just barely beginning to open.....

I have no idea what this is. If you click to embiggen, you can see the brainy texture of bases of the pistils.

Zinnia. I had no idea all that was going on in the middle....

Hollyhock buds.

Spent hollyhock flower.

I don't know what this is.

I like this shot, with foliage and a neighbor's orange petals.

Looking at the border between downtown and residential Ann Arbor (west on Huron). On a cloudy day. With telephone poles.

Black-eyed susans.


Daisy. More infinite spirals.....


More black-eyed susans.

As with coneflowers, I think the buds are as interesting as the flowers.

Roses, from beginning to end. (Well, not really the end, as this isn't at the rosehip stage yet.....)

Spirea. I really like the way the stamens go every which way.


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