I believe I took more pics on June 30 than on any walk to or from work since last fall.

We have reached the parking lot at Huron/First/Washington/Ashley.

A harbinger of fall. Serviceberry.

Hollyhocks and lilies.



I don't know what this is. I was thinking maybe it was a gomphrena, but having gone and looked at some, I don't think so.

I think these next two are balloon flowers.... I'd only seen them in pics in catalogs, and I don't remember seeing them before they opened. When I saw these, I thought "well OF COURSE they are called balloon flowers!"

those purple balls on the thin stalks (third pic from bottom) are alliums--part of the onion/garlic family. I have dozens and dozens of them in my garden.
Thanks! These are different from the aliums I know. They come in more forms than I was aware of!
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