Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wibbles, in his native habitat


Kids who don't like their situation often tell themselves stories about their "real parents" (who, go figure, are usually attractive, clever, rich, and probably famous).

If puppies who are stray (living from forgotten sandwich to roadkill, sleeping under bushes) imagine a different life, it might be something like this...........

He is a connoisseur of comfy. He looked so totally comfy, curled up in our bed, that I had to get the camera.

When I got back from putting the camera away I discovered he had moved his head, making his toes visible. I had to go back and retrieve the camera for some more pics.

He is by far the goofiest dog we've ever had. Very smart, and very goofy.



leslie said...

And he's got the cutest toes!!!
Sorry I haven't been to see you. I am a poop.

I need orange said...

Yes, very cute. :-) He has a lot of personality, which really comes through in photogenicity..... I need to get video of him dashing back and forth and round and back like a puppy, even though he will be 11 in November......... Its fun to have a silly and goofy dog. Corgis are verrrrry serious. At least mine have all been.

I made you come visit. I've been thinking about you and thinking about you and hoping you were just being a poop rather than Something Awful had happened.

You know you have a million pics you haven't blogged. You could maybe put them up one by one, not feeling a need to write anything, and I could assiduously comment and thus remind you that it's fun over here in blogland?

Either that, or drive those coffee cans (and some of that tumbled desert glass we were talking about) up here. We'll stencil on the cans.....................


I miss you.
