Sunday, February 14, 2010

oy vey


I'm guessing that the athletes in Vancouver don't have to spend part of their morning and a chunk of their afternoon at the vet..........

Shortly after 11 this morning, Wilbur left our bedroom to go downstairs. I was upstairs; it sounded like he tried to hack up a hairball after he got downstairs.

I went down and let him out, and when I followed him out, after a few minutes, I found him behind the garage. Eating dry leaves.


I made him come back in the house, though he wanted to stay out and eat leaves, dry weeds, whatever he could find.

He was/is salivating too much, and acting like Buzz would act when he was about to puke.

So we went to the vet.

He didn't/doesn't feel too bad, but still with the salivation, audible swallowing, weird head posture part of the time.........

They were pretty busy, in emergency, so they suggested I leave him and come back for him about 3, after they've had time to do an xray.

The stitches haven't fallen out yet, from his cyst scraping in late December, and here he is, with something else...................


The vet asked me if he has had rawhide or anything like that. He hasn't. Only brown paper bags and brown cardboard........ And not since last night........ I hadn't heard him shredding anything before he went down, this morning, and I checked in the bedroom to see if I could see anything out of place. But no.




Kady Cannon said...

Hopefully it's nothing serious . . .

I need orange said...


I am worn down with dog health problems!

Thanks for the good thoughts.

I offered the doc the option of sending us home to watch and see, but she didn't want to do that.
