Friday, June 25, 2010

June 17, part 1


The 17th was a nice day. Warm, dry, clear and blue.

We strolled through the neighborhood, admiring the rowhouses and their gardens.

Same dentil and egg&dart; different paint choices.

(Air conditioners are seriously ugly. Don't you think someone could make money if they made them attractive? Two percent of net to me, if you do because you saw the idea here....)

I don't think I'd enjoy doing all this fussy painting, but I surely enjoy looking at it. (even under the bay window, where hardly anyone can see it because of the awning!)

I didn't used to like these newfangled daylily colors, but they are growing on me.....

Love that glowing center.......... Hey! I just noticed this is eight petals instead of the customary six...... Who knew.

Love the blue with the brick, love the very tall door (with window above -- just think how high the ceilings are in there!), love the reflections, love the stars.........

Paint matching the stained glass, flowers matching the paint......

Some have curvy building fronts, some have curvy window tops. (Box fans as ugly as air conditioners! Same 2% net to me if you make money on gorgeous fans as a result of seeing this suggestion.)

The owner of this one was out in front, talking to a contractory sort of person.

See the lion on the front step?

As I walked away, the man told me there was a charge for taking pictures.

I pretended to flip him a quarter (or maybe it was a silver dollar.....).

He pretended to catch it.

We parted, friends.

Big points and little points.

Psychedelic numbers. (Can you hear "Incense, Peppermints" in the background?)

Curves and points.

With tile roofs.

Seriously bright colors.

Hand-made anti-burglar grates over the lowest windows. This one on the house above.

This one on a neighbor.

I think this is a banana tree, out enjoying the summer.

I told the woman in blue that I was enjoying her garden. She was friendly and chatty and we spoke with her for a few minutes. Now she is chatting with the shirtless young man (who is actually paying attention to her, though you can't tell it from the pic).

I loved the long sparkly strings hanging on the tree. You can see one, in the middle, near the top. These had bits of mirror on them, as well as large beads.

I really liked the amount of character displayed by the people taking care of these homes and gardens. My neighborhood is bland and boring in comparison........

More points. More tile. On a beautiful blue day.



Anonymous said...

Great pictures. So much character in the architecture there, huh?! :)

I need orange said...


So interesting, the way the whole side of one block might be the same design or small set of designs, while the other side is some other set of designs.....

I don't think the original designers always thought about inhabitants wanting different colors, etc. It seemed that many time the "property line" and a logical design break did not coincide, so the paint jobs changed, oddly, in the middle of the design elements......

I love walking around looking at all the different design elements, and then at the things people have done to personalize them.