Remember this?
I thought of using pens, but ... decided to see what I could do in Elements.
It took me a Really Long Time to do this, but let's not talk about that, kthx. (Much of the time was floundering around trying to do things. I think.)
I took the image of the hand mask with the purple and orange starburst on it, and made it into an outline. I made a white hand outline, and added it to this original. Then I made a purple one, and added that, too.
Then I messed with stars a bit, here, and there, and eventually realized that I could copy a star-shaped piece from the left of the image, so I wouldn't get a flat orange star (which was one of the early attempts). I made a white outline of the star, and made a purple one, and there it is. Considerable blurring of all the added stuff, so it would fit better with the blurry outlines of the spraying.
I'm happy with this................
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