We walked a bit earlier than usual. There was light enough to take more pics.....

Sort of.
It was dark enough that the camera had some trouble focusing.
And -- this was the first Really Nice Day we'd had in some time. The temp was down, the humidity was down (hooray!), and ... it was breezy...........

This was on tall stems, and was doing a fair amount of moving with the breeze.....


Love the intensity and the curves.....

I had been keeping my eye on this. I have no idea what it is, but isn't it interesting? The way the flower stems burst forth in clusters? The way the buds
and young flowers are so fuzzy? All those stamens?
I have no idea what this is, but am chuffed that I remembered to get a mise-en-scene shot so you could see the habit....

What a lovely flower! All of them, actually. I just love your walks. We are in, oh, what seems like day 100 of 100-degree days. It's predicted to be 106 Monday. Not an auspicious beginning to the semester.
So you see how we need your walks. ;-)
What nice things to hear! :-)
I can't imagine living in such heat. I am tired of being warmer than I wish a lot of the time, and our temps have been 10-15 degrees cooler than yours!
I've been working really hard on remembering that it is SO SO SO much worse elsewhere than it has been here.....
I'm afraid I won't have any more walks for you, for a while. :-)
You could look at last year.....
See you in a few weeks...........
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