Tuesday, September 07, 2010

September 7 -- morning


We thought we'd try again to visit la Sainte Chapelle, on the seventh.

But first, we had to get some breakfast.

On our way to a particular bakery, we walked for a way behind this very animated little girl. School was just starting; perhaps the seventh was the first day? In any case, she was talking non-stop, walking along with her new pack on her back.

Our destination.  Inside what I presume are laurels, it says "Best Parisian Baker."

The white sign underneath begins "Because a bakery is an affair of love and poetry...."

Love the bags of flour, out where everyone can see them.  The bottoms say "Flour for bread in the French tradition."

They also had pastry.....

Peach tart, with almonds.  I bet it was good..........

Here's what I had.

Wrapped and given a baker's twist.

Our other choice.  There was an apple in here....

There was a picnic table out in front of the bakery; we ate there.  After proper recording, of course.

Both of these were very good.  Wish I had one now............

See what my daughter has to say about this here.

Walking on.  More red geraniums. 

The end wall looks old, but the front looks new.......  Odd.

Bicyles on the outside; elderly cookbooks on the inside.

Canal.  I believe there is a lock, under that bridge.....

I think that greeny-blue under the bridge is glass, at the top of the lock.

I like the reflection of the bridge in the ripples, bottom right.

I had wondered what these were.
Recycling stations, is what.

Not much tile on the fronts of buildings, in Paris.....

This is where we sat for coffee.

Across the street, as we drank coffee.

A tabac sells tobacco, as you might guess, but it does a world of other things, too. You can buy stamps (the yellow box on the front of the shop is a post box). You can often buy post cards. You can add money to your cell phone. This one also sells food and drink and lotto tickets.

In order to facilitate chronological traverse of these posts, here is a link to the post that comes after this one.


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