Wednesday, September 08, 2010

September 8 -- l'Opera Garnier and lunch at Fauchon


Part of one side of l'Opéra.


Coming around to the front.

Local lunchers and tourists, on l'Opéra's steps.

Angel on top.

On the right side of the square, if you're standing on l'Opéra's steps.

Looking straight at the front.

Walking toward la Madeleine, down the Boulevard des Capucines.

What have we here?

Look, it's Jake and Elwood!
A lot of trouble was taken with these sculptures.  You can even see their shoelaces.  (click on the pic to embiggen, if you like)

Walking on.

Here is la Madeleine, a landmark church.

Shop windows with flowers reminiscent of an art piece my mom made.

We wanted to shop in Fauchon. (The link is to Fauchon's website -- at the time of this writing in October 2010, you will see an animated version of the Fauchon billboard I showed you when we were in Bordeaux on the splash page. :-) Once you choose a language, you will be directed to a page that shows you products available online.)

We hadn't realized they have a restaurant, but they do, and we had lunch.

Our tablescape, before they removed the wine glasses (as we weren't going to use them).

We sat in an area that was glass-roofed, but outside the main structure.  That is sky you see, in our very reflective table.

Another table.  Très chic, oui?

It rained, off and on, all day on the 8th.  We decided we were glad we were shopping in Paris rather than walking the wet streets of Rouen....

Cute little loaves of bread.

Gazpacho, French style (blended till very smooth).  The balance of flavors was familiar, and good, but I think I prefer the chunkier texture I am used to.

Risotto with artichokes and cèpes mushrooms.  Very good.

After lunch we made our purchases.  I think these are the most beautiful labels I've ever seen.  If I lived where I could take these home easily, I think I would buy them just for their decorative value.  Wow.

Everything very attractive and enticing.  These cute little bags were about a finger-length tall.

Fauchon is a very fun place to visit.  They have presents in every price range.  Definitely recommended.

See my daughter's take on this morning here.

In order to facilitate chronological traverse of these posts, here is a link to the post that comes after this one.



morningbrayfarm said...

As always, thanks for taking us along!

I need orange said...

My pleasure! Thanks for coming. :-)