Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 8


Another cold, clear, sunny day.

Tighter crop of the above.

At work.

Icicles are cool. And more fun to look at when any bad consequences are not my problem.

The roof overhang above my office windows.  In the sunshine.

When clouds block the sun.

Clementine, with mouse pad and cord.

My office parakeet, and shadow.

Home now, messing with pics..............

Clementine, with mouse cord, posterized.

I used the dodge tool to brighten the part of the mouse cord that is in deepest shadow (lower right), as that part of the cord didn't show at all the first time I posterized....

I'm sure part of the reason I like it is the bright color. And that it is orange....



Lorraina said...

All great pics. Love your parakeets long tail, lol and the orange is definitely orange.
Sure looks cold there but sometimes think a dry cold is preferable to wet cold which is what we have here on the coast although Calif. weather is gradually moving up.
Have you played with your icicles and/or frosty windows on PS? Bet you could create some cool effects with them.

Katie M said...

The circle of the orange is echoed by the circular cord. Love circles, love orange, love the photo! Katie

I need orange said...

Thanks, Lorraina. I have not tried playing with them; I bet you are right! :-)

The cold here can be wet, or dry, depending on the temperature. For me, the thing that makes the difference between "ok" cold and "not ok" cold is the wind. If it's not windy, I'm usually ok. But the wind............ Especially when it's blowing right in my face......

Thanks, Katie. :-)

I saw the vignette on my desk and snapped the pic, but wasn't thinking about the circles.... I agree, the shape of the cord really does echo the shape of the fruit. :-)